How Will Casual Sex Change Under Donald Trump

You’re really not going to believe this, but Donald Trump has ruined sex. At least for a while. Women and men across the country have expressed a general disinterest in sex under a Trump American flag. The Washington Post featured a single woman who hasn’t been able to muster the effort to date since Trump became president and casual sex is completely out of the question. She explained that she has lost all hope since Trump’s electoral victory and hope is what dating is all about. In another article, Cosmo interviewed a married couple who had lost interest in sex at the reality of a Trump Presidency. They cite a shared anxiety but she also claims a revulsion of a country whose president has such derogatory view of women as a serious sex drive killer for her. Click Here For The Donald Trump Sexism Tracker

The Death of Casual Sex

Then there is the issue of birth control. How many meme’s did you see on Facebook about Trump’s plans to take away free birth control? They were everywhere. Now that Trump has chosen Obamacare-critic Rep. Tom Price to direct Health and Human Services the comfort of free birth control may be coming to an end. That makes a lot of people nervous and nervous people don’t have sex. Even the cheapest form of birth control is pricey to some folks such as college students and low income single mothers. This was such a real concern for many women that there was a run on intrauterine devices immediately after the election. Google also reported a surge in search terms relating to birth control policies as well as IUD and Planned Parenthood.

Casual Sex Hysteria

On the flip side of the coin, there is the camp that believes it is all hype. They don’t think there isn’t any reason to believe Trump is apt to remove Planned Parenthood or ObamaCare or free contraception despite the President Elects own words to the contrary. They usually have a tidy explanation for his comments. These folks often blame the rumors on a seed of deception planted by a Clinton administration aide. Some people, women in particular, find this notion offensive. It seems it may be taken as an insinuation that Leftist women are dumb and can’t tell what is happening in front of their own faces. Be that as it may, casual sex is definitely being affected post-election for some reason.

Misogyny and Casual Sex do not Pair Well

No matter how we try to candy coat it and no matter what cute little names we give it, such as “locker room talk”, misogyny is just not attractive. Trumps comments about women have time and again been less than flattering. Grabbing women by the pussy isn’t a phrase we really want to hear from our president. It does nothing to build confidence for a large portion of women. Women in this country have had to struggle to be acknowledged for their achievements. When blatant, radical and public misogyny tales place, it is soul-crushingly disheartening.

Stress and Casual Sex Do Not Mix

There could be a simple reason behind the decline in sex post-election. Let’s face it folks. This was some election. This baby will go down in the history books. It has shaken people up on both sides of the spectrum. Those in favor of Trump and those against him are equally rattled but in different ways. With so much stress and anxiety floating around in the universe it is no wonder sex drives are down.

So, yea. Thanks Trump. He has killed the sex drive of millions of women and ruined the sex lives of quite a few guys too. But is it really his fault? Maybe it is just a thing that always happens after elections. Perhaps someone should take a sex drive poll before and after each election from here on. My bet is things will get back to normal when the dust settles and people realize their lives won’t change all that much under a new presidency. At least not their sex lives, at any rate. So hang in there, everybody. Bide your time and keep on keeping on. Drought conditions can’t last forever.