How Long Does It Take The Average Woman To Climax?

How-Long-Does-It-Take-The-Average-Woman-To-Climax_Generally, guys will climax faster than women, find out why here, and often this leads to sex ending before women even get the chance to finish. We all know that this isn’t always the case and that there are some men out there who can get their girlfriends or wives to finish a couple times before they even let themselves climax. Let’s be real though, guys. If you’re reading this article, then you’re less interested in knowing the exact amount of time the average woman will climax and more interested in figuring out how you can make her finish faster. So let’s dive in.

The problem with that train of thought in the first place is that you can’t make her finish faster. Studies show that women, on average, take more time to have an orgasm faster than men, but that their orgasms last longer and are more intense. Doubtless, this has some sort of evolutionary advantage, but the point is that you don’t make your significant other orgasm, but rather you just make it easier for her to let herself orgasm. No matter how good you are in bed, fellas, she will not be able to climax if she doesn’t have certain needs met. The best you can do is make it easier for her to lose control and let it happen! So if you’re worried about how long she is taking to get on your level, here are some tips that might make it a bit smoother.

Keep distractions to a minimum

Distractions throw everyone off their game, so minimizing these in the bedroom can help your wife or girlfriend orgasm a little faster, and probably make it easier for yourself as well. Guaranteed, it will be difficult for her to lose herself in the sex if she is too hot or too cold, so make sure you think of this ahead of time. If you’ll be under the covers, keep it cool and have a fan going. Also, try to keep startling noises to a minimum. Background noise like a television or music may not be a problem, but certain noises like cell phone notifications are designed to give us a small shock to alert us. So if you think your girl is getting distracted, silence your phones and make sure she’s comfortable.

Find the foreplay balance

Even though this seems like the opposite of what we always hear, there is such a thing as too much foreplay. We all know that women usually get more pleasure out of sex when you don’t go straight for penetration, but rather get both of yourselves turned on with some oral or hand play until she’s properly wet and you’re hard as a rock. The trick here, though, is to not let foreplay go on too long. Think of any long movie you’ve seen with way too much anticipation and you’ll realize how the amount of time spent in “foreplay mode” can be delicate. Get the rollercoaster to the top of the incline, but don’t let it sit at the peak too long before taking the plunge and letting the real excitement begin or you’ll end up ruining all of the anticipation you successfully built up.

Be in the moment

Often, if a woman knows she takes longer than usual to finish, she can end up worrying about it during sex and just ultimately taking longer to orgasm. If she thinks you’re thinking about it, you’re just adding time to the clock. Don’t make it about time, but make it about pleasure instead. Let her know that what you’re experiencing is amazing and you don’t care how long it lasts as long as it’s perfect. You’ll be amazed how much smoother and more enjoyable sex becomes when you are in the moment and not worrying about the end.

Let her be on top

Most people prefer being on top during sex because that is when you have the most control over your own pleasure. So if you’re on top and getting close, but she hasn’t caught up to you yet, switch things up and let her take some time on top. Sit back, hold on to her hips, and let her do what moves feel best for her and what pacing she needs. I guarantee she will know exactly how fast or slow to go at any given moment to get to orgasm, just like we all do when we’re let’s say “playing a solo game.”

Help her feel safe

If this is more of a hookup than a relationship, she may just not feel as safe around you as she wants. Women are smart enough to know what can go wrong in situations like this, so do whatever you can to keep her at ease. Don’t be creepy, let her call the shots, and don’t make her feel trapped in any way.