How Women Can Avoid Risky Casual Sex While Drunk

How Women Can Avoid Risky Casual Sex While DrunkHere at we are a big proponent of casual hookups. That said, many times when a woman has a night at the bar it results in risky casual sex. Here is some advice for the ladies to avoid a regretful night on the town. There is something that is worse than a hangover. Waking up in a strange place, with a strange person, is way worse than a pounding head and cotton mouth. When you drink alcohol, it lowers your feeling of responsibility and reasoning. That is why a long night of drinking is more likely to end with a one night stand. The one night stand alone is not anything to feel bad about. If you wake up and realize that you didn’t take the right precautions, that is something to feel really bad about. A casual affair is exciting and fun, sexual diseases are not.

There are ways that you can insure that you take safety measures, and other things you can do to insure that you won’t. If you think that not being prepared will stop you from making the wrong choice, think again. The only thing that being unprepared will do is make you unprepared when you do engage in sex. The following rules will make it more likely that you will avoid making poor decisions when under the influence.

Carry protection
Most people make the mistake of thinking that protection is someone else’s problem. If you are having casual sex, the only person who is responsible for you, is you. There is nothing wrong with having protection, such as condoms, on hand. It doesn’t make you “slutty”, or send the wrong message, it makes you smart and mature. It isn’t hard to stick a condom in your pocket, your purse, or your wallet. That will avoid you from throwing caution to the wind in the heat of the moment. If you have it on hand, you are sure to pull it out, when you pull it off. The local pharmacy may not be on the way, or open, when the bar lights go on. Having the equipment with you is crucial to not making poor decisions.


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Have a Jiminy Cricket
The thing that everyone needs is a Jiminy Cricket. Who is Jiminy Cricket you ask? He is that annoying bug that kept telling Pinnochio not to do bad things. If you are going to go out drinking make sure to assign someone to be your conscious when your own takes a break. Having someone to be the voice of reason will stop you from going home with someone you shouldn’t. Having risky sex isn’t just about diseases, it can be about your overall safety. Leaving a bar, or restaurant, with someone you don’t know is a risky endeavor when sober. When drunk, it can spell disaster. Have a DDM, “designator decision maker”, to tell you if you are making the right decisions for your own safety.


Leave something you need behind
If you leave something that you can’t do without behind, than you are less likely to try to do without it. If you can’t get into your apartment without your keys in the morning, purposely leave them behind. That will make it more likely that you won’t go home with someone you shouldn’t. If you know that the logistics of casual sex just isn’t possible, you can’t get yourself into trouble. Eliminating the possibilities is the key to stopping yourself from even having the choice, to make bad choices. Leaving your car keys somewhere you can’t get to, or something of crucial need, will insure that you have to return to a safe zone at the end of your drinking escapades, and prevent the dreaded morning after walk of shame!

Wear something embarrassing
If you have an old pair of ripped up granny panties, it may stop you from going home with that hot guy. The last thing you will want to do is unveil the gross undies that you are wearing. Even when drunk, you can still feel the sting of embarrassment. If you keep in the back of your mind that your underwear, or undergarments, are an instant turnoff, it may dissuade you from making poor choices about what you want to do. If you want to perhaps see your interest again, stop yourself from having sex with him by making it not an option. Casual sex is no strings attached, but if you are wearing something that will embarrass you forever, you may not go through with the risky behavior.

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