5 Simple Ways to Start Having More Casual Sex

People fresh out of a new relationship or those who have trust issue have something in common. They do not want a serious relationship. Sure there are lots of other reasons people do not want to be in a serious relationship but there are also people who are already in a relationship but just want casual sex with someone else. No matter the reason you seek to have more casual sex, there is an answer and is easier than you think. Read on to learn 5 simple wants to start having more casual sex than you ever through possible. You wont believe how easy they are!

Have More Casual Sex By Committing

What? Commit? I’m talking about NOT committing, brother! Fear not. When we talk about committing, we are talking about to ourselves. Too many men just play around with the idea of getting to have more casual sex without realizing that a total commitment to the idea is the only way to accomplish it. Just thinking about it without taking the actions to make it happen will keep you forever in the monogamous sex zone.

Peroration Is Important To Have More Casual Sex

If you want to have more casual sex, you need to be prepared. You may think that you are prepared but most likely you are not. You have to be ready for any situation and prepared to escape it in a moment’s notice. The nature of casual sex is that it is casual. There are no commitments and there is no reason for deep communication. Be prepared for this because sometimes, one person or the other will fall in love, or at least catch feelings, for the other. Know that anything can go wrong and something usually does. Read The 6 Unspoken Rules Of Casual Sex.

Spiff it Up And Start Having More Casual Sex

Looking to have more casual sex? Invest some time in yourself. You want to be as close to irresistible as possible. Get your hair cut and splurge on a manicure before going out. Use the expensive cologne more often and wear some footwear besides work boots and flipflops. For a woman to consider having casual sex with you, you have to be able to satisfy something in her that she can’t find somewhere else, with someone more familiar. Your presence should be felt as a great stroke of luck that should not be passed up. You never know when something like that could happen again.

Step Out To Have More Casual Sex

You can’t have more casual sex if you don’t go anywhere. Women are not going to come to your door and ring the bell. This is the hardest part for some guys because it isn’t just leaving the house but going somewhere that isn’t a normal haunt for you. You can’t go to the same old hangouts and expect something new to happen. Having more casual sex means putting yourself out there more in places where that is likely to happen. If it makes you feel better, go with a group of your pals. On the other hand, going alone may increase your chances at meeting someone.

Have More Casual Sex By Being Direct

The direct approach is the best way to get more casual sex. It is also a bit tricky so you’ll have to be careful. Women highly appreciate a man who speaks to them in a direct manner without trying to mind fuck her or be condescending. There is a thin line between directness and vulgarity and one must be careful as not to cross it. Once you do there is no hope of having more casual sex at all. Choose your words carefully and make sure their intended purpose is clear. A guy with good intentions can easily be taken as a pervert with two wrong words strung together.

Just like anything in life, making changes is required to move forward and see new things. Without change, we stagnate. If having more casual sex is a change you want to make in your life, you will have to evaluate where you can make changes in your life to make that happen. You may have to invest in your personal appearance, read up on some current affairs or break out of your comfort zone. Having more casual sex is easy as long as you put your mind to it. The opportunities are out there. You just have to get out there and find them.